
SKE Downloads - Dynamic Atlas
Descartes (IRIS) Mapping System

Atlases in Cartwright, Peterson, and Gartner:

Prototype of an Interactive Multimedia Atlas of Austria
Atlas of Switzerland
Internet Atlas of Switzerland - Prototype
Atlas du Québec et de ses régions
The Atlas of Canada - Territorial Evolution, 1867-1999

City/County/State/Country Atlases:

City of Tucson, Arizona
Yavapai County, Arizona GIS Interactive Mapping Application
Delaware Census 2000 Mapper
SANDAG Interactive Maps
Massachusetts Electronic Atlas
The Atlas of Canada
The Atlas of South Australia
Inside Idaho
Digital Atals of Idaho
National Atlas of the United States

Other Atlases for Review:

EPA - EnviroMapper
GeoMAC (Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination) - Wildland Fire Support
Inforain Interactive Mapping
National Geographic MapMachine
The Delaware DataMIL
EPA Watershed Atlas
USGS National Map Viewer
USGS Atlas of Antarctic Research
eWOCE (Electronic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment)
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Featured Projects
Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System Electronic Atlas
Centennia Historical Atlas
Infoplease Atlas
ISB Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants
Salem Witch Trials
The David Rumsey Collection
Westfield River Watershed Interactive Atlas
University of Florida Virtual Tour